Important Rules:

  1. A student may be absent from attending three lectures as a maximum per level. Student must inform the instructor and the Student Support Coordinator via email 24 hours ahead of time otherwise student will lose the lecture hours.
  2. Each level will be completed in the hours specified for that level. Class hours are based on students with average understanding abilities.
  3. After a student has successfully completed the current level he/she can register for the next level or may choose to improve all or part of the current level for additional fees.
  4. A student must pass the level exam to get a certificate of attendance for each level, after completion of all level exams a final certificate for the whole program will be issued.
  5. Fees and hours advertised are subject to modifications at any time based on department and university decisions.
  6. Any changes in hours/fess will only be applied to new registrations, current students will also receive notification of any upcoming changes that will apply to them in the future.